NEW: Band Rehearsals & Events
Band Rehearsals & Events
Please click here to check the Glenn Band Calendar for this week (April 3-7).
*For Indoor Percussion & Gems Calendars, please check those specific rehearsal calendars.
**Band sectional schedules are listed later in the newsletter and not listed below.
NEW: Glenn Indoor Percussion Places First at Area Contest
CONGRATULATIONS to Glenn Indoor Percussion, who brought home first place at the Texas Color Guard & Percussion Circuit Area Championships this past weekend! This is the first year of GIP competing, and they placed first in the Scholastic A Division ("Scholastic" meaning a high school-based group, and "A" being a competitive class). We are SO proud of all of the students for your incredible work, what a show!!
NEW: Glenn Indoor Percussion Notes
Weekly Schedule
NEW: Gems Dance Company Notes
Weekly Schedule
NEW: UIL Concert & Sight Reading Contest Times
Our UIL times have been released. Please see below for our scheduled performance times... Parents, while these occur during the school day, we HIGHLY encourage you to come out and watch these performances - it is always nice to perform for an audience! We hope to see you there!
WIND ENSEMBLE UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Evaluation
Location: Liberty Hill High School Performing Arts Center
Date: FRIDAY, April 14th
Bus Loading Time: 9:15am
Leave GHS: 9:45am
Arrive @ Liberty Hill HS: 10:05am
Warm-Up: 10:35-11:20am
Move to Stage: 11:20-11:30am
Concert Performance: 11:30am
Sight-Reading Performance: 12:15pm
SYMPHONIC BAND UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Evaluation
Location: Leander High School Performing Arts Center
Date: WEDNESDAY, April 19th
Bus Loading Time: 9:35am
Leave GHS: 10:05am
Arrive @ LHS: 10:20am
Warm-Up: 10:50-11:25am
Move to Stage: 11:25-11:35am
Concert Performance: 11:35am
Sight-Reading Performance: 12:10pm
The full itineraries for the day will be published as soon as we have final details solidified. These will be wonderful performances, and we hope you can attend!
REMINDER: Glenn Band Inaugural "Young Artist Contest"
We are hosting our first annual solo contest this year called the "Young Artist Contest"(YAC) on April 27th after school. The purpose of the YAC is to give students more musical experiences learning a solo, playing with a piano accompaniment, and having music literature to practice outside of the UIL concert music. This is not a new concept in LISD as every other school in the district already has their own YAC.
Every musician in the Glenn band program will play a solo for a judge and receive a rating 1-5. Students have already either selected their own solo or have had a solo given to them. Students that have a solo with piano accompaniment will have to pay $50. This pays for 2 rehearsals during class leading up to their YAC performance and also pays for the actual performance as well. All the piano accompanists received the music for their given students over spring break.
The payment for the piano accompanist will be due by April 27th and be paid to the boosters. If you are in need of financial support or want to help pay for these phenomenal pianists we hired please reach out to Mr. Fig - All other questions regarding YAC should be directed to Mr. Travis -
REMINDER: Mark your calendars: 23-24 Marching Band Meeting - Thursday, 3/20
REMINDER: Calendar for 2023-2024
At their January 26th meeting the LISD School Board approved the school calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year. You can find the calendar at the "Board Brief" listed here.
With this in mind, we have begun planning the dates and times for next summer and fall. These can be found on our Google Calendar at Please note that these dates and times may change and changes will be communicated to families and posted to the Google Calendar.
Summer Band 23-24 Overview
Marching Band Contests 2023-2024 (Preliminary Dates)
**Some events, like Festival of Bands, rehearsal calendar, and stadium dates are still TBD from LISD. Some events may also be subject to change based on local contest calendars. I'm very confident in the above contest dates, please start planning now!
Summer Band Rehearsals & Contest Day Notes
As with all Texas high school bands, please plan for your student to be at all of the above events. Look ahead now for SAT and ACT dates, as well as for vacation planning. I'll be heading to my log cabin in Wisconsin in June for a while so that I can be back for summer band! Please begin planning your summer/fall calendars for travel and testing now - we are SO EXCITED for next year's marching season and a big part of our success is having 100% attendance!
Conflicts are sure to come up - if you see these, please email me or Mr. Travis to let us know so that we can try to help with any possible solutions. Thank you!
Disclaimer: This website is maintained by the Glenn High School Band Booster Club and is not a part of Glenn High School or the Leander Independent School District. Neither Glenn High School nor Leander ISD is responsible for the content of this web site or the content of links external to this website.
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